Monday, April 29, 2013

Kings Pointe Swimming!

Cayson is on the swim team!
Cayson and Zach loved the water!
It was fun swimming with our friends!
Loving the water!
Lisa swam like a fish!
Luis posed for a picture.
Zach and Pablo had fun swimming together!
Group of 2G boys having fun!
Carolina on her tour!
Our class was able to visit our Partner's In Excellence, Kings Pointe, on Friday. We enjoyed swimming at the water park all morning! Carolina had a broken arm so she was unable to swim that day. Instead, she was given a tour of Kings Pointe and free passes to use when her arm is better. Kings Pointe has been a great P.I.E. partner and we felt very lucky to go swimming! Thank you Kelli and Sabrina! We had a blast!

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