Friday, May 17, 2013

P.I.E. Partner's Last Day

Our class' Partner In Excellence this year was King's Pointe. Kelli and Sabrina came and visited our class once a month. This visit was something our class looked forward to because it was always a good time. Each time we were able to make crafts, have treats, and catch up with our friends. We were able to visit King's Pointe for a fun morning of swimming. They also gave us free passes this winter to come and visit the water park! As we have been writing about our favorite things we did this year in 2nd grade, our P.I.E. partners have been mentioned many times! Thank you Kelli and King's Pointe for all of the fun visits and good times! We loved being partners with you!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mud Pies!

In science we have been learning about Earth Materials. To finish up our soils part of our unit we had a contest to see which team could make the best mud pie. The teams were able to create their own recipe of soils and water based on what we have learned. The teams were able to choose from sand, loam, or clay and how much to use. It was a fun activity to do outside on such a nice day! After letting the mud pies dry, the class voted on which mud pie they thought was the best. The winners of Ms. Gath's 2nd grade class were  Armando, Jaden, and Kayla. Their mud pie stuck together the best because they used mostly clay and the perfect amount of water. Great job you guys! Way to remember that clay is the stickiest soil!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Kings Pointe Swimming!

Cayson is on the swim team!
Cayson and Zach loved the water!
It was fun swimming with our friends!
Loving the water!
Lisa swam like a fish!
Luis posed for a picture.
Zach and Pablo had fun swimming together!
Group of 2G boys having fun!
Carolina on her tour!
Our class was able to visit our Partner's In Excellence, Kings Pointe, on Friday. We enjoyed swimming at the water park all morning! Carolina had a broken arm so she was unable to swim that day. Instead, she was given a tour of Kings Pointe and free passes to use when her arm is better. Kings Pointe has been a great P.I.E. partner and we felt very lucky to go swimming! Thank you Kelli and Sabrina! We had a blast!

Monday, April 15, 2013

M & M Fractions

In math we have been working with fractions. Today, we used M&M's in math to help us create some fractions. Each student had a fun size bag of M&M's. They were to sort the M&M's by color, tally the amount in each group, and then add the totals. Each student then found out what fraction of their bag of M&M's were for each color. They then found fractions for two colors at a time! We had a great time and they did AWESOME with their fractions this morning!

Ice Cream Party!

Our class earned an ice cream party last week! We reached our goal of bringing back 10 reading logs last month! We also earned an extra scoop and a topping because we brought back 2 logs above our goal. The class voted and decided the topping would be crushed Oreo cookies. It was a great pick! We have now set a new goal of bringing back 15 reading logs this month. If we reach our goal we will have another ice cream party only this time there have been requests of listening to some music during the party. Keep reading 2nd grade! You ROCK!

Monday, March 18, 2013

PIE Partners St. Patrick's Day Craft!

On Friday our PIE partners (King's Pointe) came to visit. To help us celebrate St. Patrick's Day they brought a craft for us to do. We were able to make cute GREEN bookmarks with our PIE partner. King's Pointe also brought us some YUMMY shamrock cookies and taught us some facts about St. Patrick's Day in Ireland! We love when they come to visit our class! Some of our students even wanted to show them a talent they have been practicing. Luis and Kayla sang and did a cup routine from the movie Pitch Perfect. It was a great time and we can't wait to visit our PIE partner at King's Pointe next time!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Finding Volume!

In math we have been working with volume. We have been investigating how to find the volume of a solid object. In groups we have discovered to use water and graduated cylinders to help us with this task! We have also been striving to be good team members while working in our groups. We are getting better each day!