Sunday, September 23, 2012

Green and White Day!

 Friday was Green and White Day! Our class showed Tornado Pride with our sea of GREEN. We had a lot of fun at the pep rally in the morning! We were able to cheer with the cheerleaders and football players. We also enjoyed singing and dancing to some fun songs! Adali, Brody, and Armando were our winners of the day for showing the most school pride by wearing all that green! Javier also showed us some great school spirit by showing off some awesome dance moves! GO BIG GREEN!

Funny Feet Day!

Thursday was Funny Feet Day! Check us out!

Color Day!

Wednesday was Color Day. Second grade's color was orange. Our class did a great job representing our color!

Favorite Team Day!

Tuesday was Favorite Team Day! I was sad to see that I was the only UNI Panther fan in the class. I guess it is ok to have Cyclones and Hawkeyes in our class too! 

Hat Day!

To celebrate homecoming week, Storm Lake Elementary participated in dress up days. Monday was Hat Day!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

More Community Presentations Pictures

 Here are some more pictures from our Communities presentations!

Community Presentations

Over the past few weeks our class has been studying communities. The communities we focused on were rural, suburban, and urban communities. As part of our communities unit the students were split into groups and were able to choose the community their group wanted to study. The groups worked together researching about their community in books, posters, and other materials. Each group then created a poster and presented their information to the class. Here are pictures of some of the presentations. I was impressed with my class' skills in researching, presenting, and teamwork! Great work second grade!

Rockin' Character in Second Grade!

Congratulations to Nyaneur and Brody for showing AWESOME character! A DOUBLE congratulations to Ivan for reaching the top of the behavior chart twice in the past week! I am so proud of my students showing excellent character not only in our classroom but around the school! Way to go second graders!