Thursday, August 30, 2012

Girls showing AWESOME character!

Congratulations to Kayla and Adali! These two displayed AWESOME character this week. Reaching the top of the behavior chart shows the rest of the class who some of our good role models are in our classroom. Great job girls!

Friday, August 24, 2012


I would like to congratulate Ricardo and Zach on their achievement today! We have a behavior chart in our room with different levels. Your name can be moved up or down the chart based on choices in behavior throughout the day. Ricardo and Zach made it to the top level today in which they received a star to be worn for the rest of the day. The star lets everyone know these students deserve a congratulations on their Awesome Character today. I look forward to other students reaching the top with their great behavior as well! Awesome job Ricardo and Zach!

Birthday Boys!

Today we celebrated two birthdays in our classroom! Daniel's birthday was on Monday and Cayson's birthday will be on Sunday. The class enjoyed dirt cups from Cayson that were very yummy! We also played a game of telephone during our celebration. Lets just say the same message didn't make it to the end of the telephone line! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL AND CAYSON!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today was our first day of school and we had a great day! We all got to know each other a little better. We also had a lot of fun opening all of our school supplies and organizing them! The day went so fast because of our early out and I am looking forward to spending more time as a class tomorrow!