Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Eye Dissection

We have been learning about eyes this month in our Growing Healthy unit. We have discussed the parts of the eye, where the parts are, and what they do. Today Nurse Twyla and some of her nursing students dissected cow eyeballs for us! We were able to touch all of the parts! It was a neat experience and really helped us to "see" the parts of the eye!

Eye Dissection Website

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Responsible Students!

Congratulations to Lewis S., Nyanuer, and Armando for showing Awesome Character! These students made it to the top of the behavior chart! This month is Responsibility month at Storm Lake Elementary. We have been discussing what responsibility is and what it looks like. These students are great examples of responsible students. Great Job!

Goldfish, Ants, Habitats, OH MY!

During the past month we have been learning about animals and their habitats. We were able to have animals such as goldfish and ants in our classroom to study. We learned a lot by observing and recording data about our animals. We also worked on working together in groups. It was fun to see the "scientist" in our room making their own discoveries! We didn't have the best luck with keeping our animals alive in our room! We observed that our classroom was not their natural habitat! We will now be starting our next science unit Growing Healthy.

Luis' Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Luis E.! We celebrated his birthday Oct. 22 with delicious cupcakes and juice boxes! Happy Birthday Buddy! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Birthday Boys!

We celebrated two birthdays on Friday Oct. 12th! Ivan came to school rocking his birthday shirt! Brody brought us some yummy treats that he helped to make! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVAN and BRODY!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Our Field Trip to the Prairie Heritage Center

Today we went on a field trip to the Prairie Heritage Center in Peterson. It was pretty cold but we had a great day! Our class put on our scientist ears and eyes as we observed and interacted with animals. This was a great way to kick off our animals science unit! We learned about bison and many other prairie animals who live in Iowa. We were able to touch and feel many hides, bones, and other parts of animals. Inside the Heritage Center we went on a scavenger hunt to find and learn about pioneers and prairie animals! A highlight of our day was our hike through the prairie looking for mystery boxes about many different animals. We had a lot of fun enjoying the outdoors and Iowa nature! If you have a chance I would suggest checking out the Prairie Heritage Center for yourself! Our class loved it and learned so much!

P.I.E. Partner

Last Friday our Partner in Excellence (P.I.E.) business came to visit us! Our P.I.E. partner is Kings Pointe. Kelli brought us brochures and taught us some fun facts about Kings Pointe. She also brought us some YUMMY cookies! We are looking forward to our next visit from Kings Pointe.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Green and White Day!

 Friday was Green and White Day! Our class showed Tornado Pride with our sea of GREEN. We had a lot of fun at the pep rally in the morning! We were able to cheer with the cheerleaders and football players. We also enjoyed singing and dancing to some fun songs! Adali, Brody, and Armando were our winners of the day for showing the most school pride by wearing all that green! Javier also showed us some great school spirit by showing off some awesome dance moves! GO BIG GREEN!

Funny Feet Day!

Thursday was Funny Feet Day! Check us out!

Color Day!

Wednesday was Color Day. Second grade's color was orange. Our class did a great job representing our color!

Favorite Team Day!

Tuesday was Favorite Team Day! I was sad to see that I was the only UNI Panther fan in the class. I guess it is ok to have Cyclones and Hawkeyes in our class too! 

Hat Day!

To celebrate homecoming week, Storm Lake Elementary participated in dress up days. Monday was Hat Day!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

More Community Presentations Pictures

 Here are some more pictures from our Communities presentations!

Community Presentations

Over the past few weeks our class has been studying communities. The communities we focused on were rural, suburban, and urban communities. As part of our communities unit the students were split into groups and were able to choose the community their group wanted to study. The groups worked together researching about their community in books, posters, and other materials. Each group then created a poster and presented their information to the class. Here are pictures of some of the presentations. I was impressed with my class' skills in researching, presenting, and teamwork! Great work second grade!

Rockin' Character in Second Grade!

Congratulations to Nyaneur and Brody for showing AWESOME character! A DOUBLE congratulations to Ivan for reaching the top of the behavior chart twice in the past week! I am so proud of my students showing excellent character not only in our classroom but around the school! Way to go second graders!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Girls showing AWESOME character!

Congratulations to Kayla and Adali! These two displayed AWESOME character this week. Reaching the top of the behavior chart shows the rest of the class who some of our good role models are in our classroom. Great job girls!

Friday, August 24, 2012


I would like to congratulate Ricardo and Zach on their achievement today! We have a behavior chart in our room with different levels. Your name can be moved up or down the chart based on choices in behavior throughout the day. Ricardo and Zach made it to the top level today in which they received a star to be worn for the rest of the day. The star lets everyone know these students deserve a congratulations on their Awesome Character today. I look forward to other students reaching the top with their great behavior as well! Awesome job Ricardo and Zach!

Birthday Boys!

Today we celebrated two birthdays in our classroom! Daniel's birthday was on Monday and Cayson's birthday will be on Sunday. The class enjoyed dirt cups from Cayson that were very yummy! We also played a game of telephone during our celebration. Lets just say the same message didn't make it to the end of the telephone line! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL AND CAYSON!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today was our first day of school and we had a great day! We all got to know each other a little better. We also had a lot of fun opening all of our school supplies and organizing them! The day went so fast because of our early out and I am looking forward to spending more time as a class tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

1st Post!

I am excited to be making my 1st post on my blog! I need to figure out how to add and change some of the aspects on this. I guess it just takes some playing on the site!